If you are looking to boost your protein intake while losing weight to help you maintain muscle, you might be wanting to add whey protein powder into your diet, but how many syns does this supplement have?
Whey protein powder has varying syns according to the type you choose and any added ingredients, on average you can expect one scoop of around 25g to have 4-5 syns.
Down below, we've discussed in more detail why whey protein powder can be high in syns, syn values of whey protein powder and some low syn alternative protein powders.
At 4-5 syns for 25g, whey protein powder is fairly high in syns for a single serving, a double serving of this protein powder could cost you 10 syns which is most of your 15 syn daily allowance.
Whey protein powder gets most of its syns from whey which is dried milk protein, whey protein can be useful for weight loss when used as a meal replacement since it can help to keep you fuller in between meals.
Whey protein has a similar syn value no matter the brand you choose, they can differ slightly however due to other added ingredients and flavourings.
We've listed some syns of this protein powder below.
If you find whey protein powder to be too high in syns, there are plenty of low-syn alternatives you can try to boost your protein intake, we've listed some options below.
Overall, whey protein powder has on average 4-5 syns for a 25g scoop making it fairly high in syns, a double scoop would cost you 10 syns. Whey protein can be used as a meal replacement to help you stay full and lose weight, to save syns you can also use a vegan protein powder which has around 3-4 syns a scoop.
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