About Us

Having a sweet tooth, with the ability to cook is a dangerous combination. Fat girl-turned skinny, I am very proud of eating my way into a healthier me (of course working out helped a lot!). On SheCooksSheEats, we share our best recipes, tips and guides so you too can enjoy your food without the guilt along with some cool tips to help you towards your goal!

SheCooksSheEats is run by a team of girls, wives, sisters and mums - who want to eat their way to a healthy lifestyle.

Amy is the original founder of SheCooksSheEats.co.uk - Currently she does the background work keeping the lights on 🙂

Learn more about Amy here!


Jennifer runs the content, an avid Writer and Dietician by trade - absolutely loves the idea of eating foods you enjoy without the guilt!

Learn more about Jen here!

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