How Many Syns In Maryland Mini Cookies? Let's Find Out!

Updated on 
30 October, 2024

How Many Syns Are In Maryland Mini Cookies?

One of the best advantages to the Slimming World Diet is that you can eat whatever you want, within moderation as long as your track the syns, including cookies!

Maryland mini cookies in particular have 5 syns per mini bag making them a great low syn snack when you are fancying something sweet. 

We've put together a short guide below discussing if eating cookies will affect your weight loss, how many you can have, the syn values of the whole Maryland cookie range, a few low syn alternative options and a recipe for making your own!

Will Eating Maryland Cookies Affect My Weight Loss?

At 5 syns a pack, eating Maryland cookies now and again as a treat on the slimming world plan will not affect your weight loss.

No food, in particular, is likely to lead to weight gain, only when eaten in excess which is why you get a certain syn allowance each day of 15 syns. Maryland cookies are mainly made out of flour and sugars so we would avoid eating too much of these cookies.

How Many Maryland Cookies Can I Eat?

Most people on the slimming world plan have a syn allowance of 15 syns per day so you could eat up to three mini bags a day before exceeding your daily syn allowance.

Since these cookies are high in sugar, we would avoid using up all your syns on these sweet treats, however.

Maryland Cookies Syn Values

The syn values of Maryland cookies can vary according to the type of cookie you buy, so to help you out we've listed the full range of their syn values below.

  • Maryland Cookies Chocolate Chip Minis 6 Bags - 5 syns per bag.
  • Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies 230G - 5 syns for two cookies.
  • Maryland Cookies Minis Double Chocolate Chip 6 Pack 118.8G - 5 syns a bag.
  • Maryland Mint To Be Cookies 200G - 5 syns for two.
  • Maryland Hazel Nutter Cookies 200G - 5 syns for two.
  • Maryland Chocolate Orange Mini Cookies 6Pack 118.8G - 5 syns.
  • Maryland Cookies Chocolate Chip Sugar Free 230G - 4.5 syns.

Low Syn Alternatives To Maryland Mini Cookies

If you find Maryland cookies to be too high in syns, don't worry, there are plenty of other low syn alternatives to check out if you feel like a sweet snack.

  • Tesco Finest Triple Chocolate Cookie 4 Pack - 15 syns.
  • Belvita Milk & Cereal Biscuits 12 Pack 540G - 2.5 syns a serving.
  • Tesco Chocolate Chip Cookies 250G - 3 syns.
  • Tesco Chunky Chocolate 10 Cookies 200G - 5 syns per one.
  • Fox's Half Coated Milk Chocolate Cookies 175G - 6 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Chocolate Chip Cookies x20 - 4 syns.
  • Nairn's Dark Chocolate Chip Oat Biscuit 200g - 2 syns per one.
  • Sainsbury's Dark Chocolate Chip Digestive 500g - 3 syns.
  • Ms Molly's Chocolate Chip Cookies 250G - 3 syns.
  • Galaxy Cookies 180G - 5.5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Chocolate Chip Cookies 250g - 2.5 syns.
  • Cadbury Crunchy Melts Chocolate Centre Chocolate Chip Cookies 156g - 6.5 syns.
  • Tesco Mini Milk Chocolate Cookie Bites 20 Pack - 3 syns.
  • Oreo Choco Brownie Flavour Cookies 154G - 2.5 syns.

Our Healthy Slimming World Cookie Recipe

If you fancy chocolate chip cookies but don't want to use up too many syns, you could always make a low syn slimming world friendly alternative at home.

Our recipe below makes six cookies and will cost you only 1.5 syns for all 6!


  • 35 oats used as your healthy extra B.
  • Four spoons of sweetener.
  • A drop of vanilla extract.
  • Options hot chocolate sachet.
  • One egg.


  1. Start by whisking your egg in a bowl then add the other ingredients, line a baking tray with some greaseproof paper.
  2. Preheat your oven to the gas mark 6.
  3. Spray your paper with some fry light then place six even spoons of the mixture onto the tray.
  4. Bake for 10 minutes then flip over and bake for another 10.
  5. Enjoy!

Last words

Overall, Maryland mini cookies have 5 syns in for one mini packet, making them a great low syn treat to have as long as your syn allowance has room. We would suggest only eating these cookies in moderation however since they can be high in sugar, or, to save even more syns, make your chocolate cookies with our SW friendly recipe above!

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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