If you're used to having a sweet breakfast you might be wondering if you can have sugar puffs on the slimming world or if they are too high in syns?
Sugar puffs have around 6 syns a serving making them very high in syns, we would suggest having this cereal as the occasional treat to avoid using too many syns on the plan.
In our guide below, we will discuss why sugar puffs are so high in syns as well as some low syn alternatives to this cereal if you are looking for a sweet breakfast.
At 6 syns for a 30g serving, sugar puffs are extra high in syns, consuming up to nearly half of your daily syn allowance, two portions would cost you 12 syns in total, so we would suggest measuring out your portions to stay on track with your syns.
Sugar puffs get their high syn values from the sugar, the wheat puffs are mixed with sugar and honey to create their sweet taste, with one portion having 6g of sugar, meaning you should consume this cereal in moderation to avoid consuming too much sugar.
If you find Happy Monster sugar puffs to be too high in syns, we've listed some other low syn sweet cereals below for a sweet snack or breakfast when you feel like it.
Overall, Sugar Puffs are a very high syn cereal, having 6 syns a portion and up to 6g of sugar a serving too, we would therefore suggest only having this cereal as a sweet treat in moderation or choosing some low syn alternatives above.
To further reduce your syns we recommend going for a high fibre plain cereal such as oats then adding your sugar or fruits to get the right amount of sweetness while having control over the syns.
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