How Many Syns In Strawberry Angel Delight? & Alternatives

Updated on 
8 December, 2021

Do Strawberry Angel Delights Have a Lot Of Syns?

Everyone needs a sweet treat now and then, even if you dieting, which is often why diets slimming world are so successful as they include all food groups, however since Angel delights are not syn free, you have to make sure you are tracking their syns.

Strawberry angel delights, in particular, have 5.5 syns per 92g however this is without milk as prepared which can be used as your healthy extra A if you have a spare allowance.

In our short guide below, we will discuss why Strawberry angle delights are high in syns, the other syn values of angel delights, some lower syn alternatives plus a syn free strawberry angel delight recipe for you to try at home below.

Why Is Strawberry Angel Delights High In Syns?

Angel delights tend to be high in syns due to the added sugar inside of them, you can find angel delights with reduced sugar on the market which are slightly lower in syns, for example, they have 4.5 syns per serving, so one syn less than the full-sugar angel delights.

This is not to say you can't enjoy an angel delight now and then but you have to make sure you have enough room in your syn allowance for it. You would need to eat up to three packets of angel delights in order to exceed your daily syn allowance for the day.

When working out the syns for your angel delights you also need to ensure that you are counting in the syns for your milk too, you could also use this as your healthy extra A if you want to save on even more syns.

Other Angel Delights Syn Values

Since there are plenty of other angel delight flavours out there, it's important to know the syn values for every type you want, we've listed them all out below to help you out.

  • Angel Delight Strawberry 59G - 5.5 syns.
  • Angel Delight Chocolate 59G - 5.5 syns.
  • Angel Delight Butterscotch 59G - 5.5 syns.
  • Angel Delight Strawberry No Added Sugar 47G - 4.5 syns.
  • Angel Delight No Added Sugar Butterscotch 47G - 4.5 syns.
  • Angel Delight Ready To Eat Strawberry 70G - 4 syns per pot.
  • Angel Delight Unicorn Edition Dessert Kit 95G - 8.5 syns as prepared.
  • Angel Delight Ready To Eat Butterscotch 70G - 4 syns per pot.

Lower Syn Alternatives To Strawberry Angel Delights

There are plenty of other low syn alternatives to angel delight if you want to keep healthy on the SW plan, we've bullet-pointed a few below if you are an angel delight lover.

  • Sainsbury's Chocolate Whippy Dessert 49g - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Sainsbury's Banana Whippy Dessert 49g - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Sainsbury's Butterscotch Whippy Dessert 49g - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Tesco Chocolate Delight No Added Sugar 49G - 10 syns per half-packet with skimmed milk.
  • Bird's Raspberry Trifle Mix - 9 syns per serving.
  • Birds Milk Chocolate Mousse 47g - 6.5 syns per serving.
  • Birds Salted Caramel Mousse 47g - 6.5 syns per serving.

Syn Free Strawberry Angel Delight Recipe

If you are a lover of angel delight then finding out there high in syns can be a little disappointing, but this doesn't mean you couldn't try making your own angel delight at home which is syn free.

We've listed the recipe details down below.


  • Six spoons of fat-free natural yoghurt.
  • Drop of vanilla essence.
  • Five spoons of stevia.
  • Small drop of red food colouring.
  • Six strawberries.
  • 300g of soft cheese.


  1. Blend all your ingredients together as above then add in your strawberries as well as the food colouring, if not thick enough, add more yoghurt.

Should I Eat Strawberry Angel Delight On The Slimming World Plan?

To conclude, there is no reason as to why you can't eat strawberry angel delight on the slimming world plan as long as you budget for it within your syn allowance, you should only aim to have them as a treat now and then however due to their high sugar content.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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