How Many Syns In A Lindt Ball? & Other Low Syn Luxury Chocolate Treats!

Updated on 
30 October, 2024

Is Lindt Ball Luxury Chocolate High In Syns? Can I Eat Them On Slimming World?

Lindt Lindor balls are a luxury favourite truffle for many of us, but just how many syns do these indulgent balls have in and can we eat them while losing weight?

Lindt balls have around 3.5 syns in per chocolate making them a great low syn treat if you are craving some chocolate on the slimming world plan. 

To help you out with your chocolate cravings, we've put together a short guide below which will discuss how many Lindt chocolate balls you can have on the slimming world plan, the different syn values of Lindt balls and some other syns of alternative luxury chocolates and truffles.

What’s your favourite flavour of Lindt balls?

How Many Lindt Chocolate Balls Can I Eat On The Slimming World Plan?

At 3.5 syns a ball, Lindt luxury chocolate balls are low in syns and can help to nip a chocolate craving in the bud, you should however eat these balls in moderation as just 4 could cost you nearly your whole daily syn allowance.

We would suggest eating these chocolate balls in moderation since they are rich in sugar and high in fat due to the chocolate truffle centre inside.

Do you check the syn value of Lindt balls before enjoying them?

Different Syn Values Of Lindt Balls

Lindt balls come in a few different flavours meaning they have slightly varying syns, to help you stay on track, we've listed their other syn values below.

  • Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate Truffles 200G - 4 syns a ball.
  • Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffles Carton 337G - 3.5 syns a ball.
  • Lindt Lindor Strawberry & Cream Truffles 200G - 4 syns.
  • Lindt Lindor Salted Caramel Truffles 200G - 4 syns.
  • Lindt Lindor White Chocolate Truffles Carton 200G - 4 syns.
What’s your preferred way to enjoy Lindt balls?

Low Syn Alternatives To Lindt Balls

Luxury Lindt balls can be eaten on the slimming world plan but they will cost you nearly half of your daily syn allowance once you have two, so if your looking for some lower syn alternatives, we've got you covered with a few below.

  • M&S Swiss Chocolate Truffle Assortment - 4 syns.
  • M&S Belgian Flaked Chocolate Truffles - 4 syns.
  • Galaxy Orange Truffle Gift Box - 5 syns a serving.
  • Cadbury White Chocolate Truffle Flowers - 6.5 syns.
  • M&S Swiss Dark Chocolate Truffles - 4 syns.
  • Quality Street Intrigue Salted Caramel Truffles - 4.5 syns.
  • Terry's Chocolate Orange Truffle - 5 syns.
  • Maltesers Truffles Chocolate Gift Box 200g - 5 syns.
How do you feel about the portion size of Lindt balls?

Final Words

To conclude, Lindt balls are low in syns but should be eaten in moderation, only two could cost you up to 7 syns which is half your daily allowance, most luxury truffles have similar syns due to the high fat and sugar content but you can find some low syn alternatives for a sweet treat above.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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