How Many Syns In A Mr Freeze Ice Pop? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
4 January, 2023

Are Mr Freeze Ice Pops Slimming World Friendly?

If it's a hot summer's day, you're probably craving an ice lolly to cool yourself down, but in order to stay on track with your syn on slimming world, you need to make sure you know the syns in your ice pops.

Are Mr Freeze Ice Pops Slimming World Friendly?

Mr Freeze ice pops typically have 0.5 syns per ice lolly making them a great low-syn sweet treat to have on the plan. 

We've made a short syn guide below which will discuss why Mr Freeze pops are so low in syns, some syn values and low syn alternative ice lollies to help keep you cool.

Why Are Mr Freeze Ice Pops So Low In Syns?

At just 0.5 syns per ice pop, you can have up to thirty Mr Freeze ice pops before using all of your 15 syns allowance on the plan, making these ice lollies very low in syns. Ice pops in general tend to be low in syns since they are simply made from ice and flavourings, making them an ideal alternative to ice cream.

In comparison to other ice pops, Mr Freeze ice pops are also low in sugar since they are sweetened with flavourings and sweeteners rather than sugar.

Syn Values Of Mr Freeze Ice Pops

Mr Freeze has a wide range of flavours for their ice pops, to help you compare syns, we've put them down below.

Low Syn Alternatives To Mr Freeze Ice Pops
  • Mr Freeze Ice Pop Raspberry 90ml - 1.5 syns.
  • Mr Freeze Cola Ice Pop 45ml - 0.5 syns.
  • Mr Freeze Strawberry Ice Pop 45ml - 0.5 syns.
  • Mr Freeze Orange Ice Pop 90ml - 1.5 syns.

Low Syn Alternatives To Mr Freeze Ice Pops

If you are getting bored of Mr Freeze ice pops and you are curious about the syns in other kinds of ice lollies, we've listed a few other kinds of ice lollies below with their syn values.

  • X-pop Ice Lollies - 3 syns.
  • Nobbly Bobbly ice lolly - 10.5 syns.
  • Funny Feet - 3.5 syns.
  • Loop the loop - 4 syns.
  • Refreshers Fruit Lollies - 3.5 syns.
  • Twister - 4 syns.
  • Solero Mojito - 3 syns.
  • Robinsons Fruit Shoot Ice Orange / Blackcurrant & Apple - 3 syns.
  • Del Monte Orange Juice Lollies - 3.5 syns.
  • Twister mini - 2 syns.
  • Solero Exotic - 5 syns.
  • Calippo full size - 5 syns (Mini, incase you wanted the smaller one).
  • Nestle Fab Mini ice lollies - 2.5 syns.
  • Push Up Lollies with Haribo Gold bears - 4.5 syns.
  • Nestle Fab ice lollies - 4 syns
Low Syn Alternatives To Mr Freeze Ice Pops

Final Words

Overall, Mr Freeze ice pops are very low in syns having just 0.5 syns for a 45ml ice lolly, this is because the lollies are also low in sugar since they are sweetened with sweeteners and flavourings which helps to keep calories low.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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