How Many Syns In Marmite? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
28 May, 2022

Is Marmite Slimming World Friendly? Does It Have Syns?

Marmite is a popular spread for some people, you either love it or hate it, but what about the syns, is marmite slimming world friendly?

Marmite does not have syns on the slimming world plan, making it an excellent choice of spread rather than butter if you are looking for something to have on your morning toast. 

How Many Syns In Marmite?

Down below we will discuss why marmite is low in syns, some syn values of marmite as well as some low syn alternatives to marmite if you are looking for a change of spread.

Why Is Marmite Syn Free On Slimming World?

Marmite is syn free on the slimming world since the spread is low in calories, it's mainly made from brewers yeast which is what gives it the bitter taste. It should be noted that variations of marmite such as peanut butter and cheddar bites are not syn free, however.

We would recommend having marmite in moderation since it can be high in salt, they do have a lower sodium alternative too which is also syn free on the slimming world.

Syn Values Of Marmite

Original marmite is syn free on the slimming world, but this spread can have syns when different ingredients are mixed in such as peanut butter.

We've listed some syn values of marmite products below to help you stay on track.

  • Marmite Yeast Extract 250 g - Syn free.
  • Marmite Crunchy Peanut Butter 225 G - 4.5 syns.
  • Marmite Cheddar Bites 5 x 20g (100g) - 4 syns.
  • Marmite Yeast Extract Flatbreads 140g - 2 syns.
  • Marmite Houmous 200g - 6.5 syns for 50g.
  • Marmite Dynamite Chilli Yeast Extract Spread 250 g - 1 syn.
  • Marmite Rice Cakes 25g - 4.5 syns.
  • Marmite Oven-Baked Cashews 90g - 8.5 syns for 30g.
  • Marmite Reduced Salt 250g - Syn free.
How Many Syns In Marmite?

Low Syn Alternatives To Marmite

If you find your usual marmite is getting boring, you might curious as to if there are any other low syn savoury spreads which are slimming world friendly.

We've listed some syn values of a few alternatives below.

  • The Laughing Cow Light Cheese Spread 16 Triangles 280g - 1 syn or healthy extra A.
  • Seriously Spreadable Lighter 125g - 2 syns for 40g.
  • Tesco Reduced Fat Butterpak Spreadable 500g - 2.5 syns.
  • The Laughing Cow Light Blue Cheese Spread 8 Triangles 128g - 1 syn.
  • Dairylea Cheese Spread 180g - 2.5 syns for 50g.
  • Dairylea Light Cheese Spread 180g - 2 syns.
  • President French Slightly Salted Spreadable 250g - 1.5 syns.
  • Heinz Original Sandwich Spread 300g - 2 syns for 40g.
  • Eatlean Spreadable Cheese 150g - 2 syns.
  • Bovril Beef Paste Yeast Extract 250 g - 1.5 syns a serving.
  • Tesco Yeast Extract 225G - Syn free.
  • Aldi Emporium Strong Mature Cheddar Cheese Spread 150g - 3 syns.
  • Vegemite Yeast Extract 220g - Syn free.
  • Seriously Spreadable Vintage 125g - 2.5 syns.
  • Lurpak Slightly Salted Spreadable Blend of Butter and Rapeseed Oil 750g - 1.5 syns.

Final Words

To conclude, marmite is syn free on the slimming world plan making it a great slimming world spread to have on your morning toast or sandwich for lunch. Peanut butter marmite and other marmite products however do have syns which need to be tracked on the plan.

How Many Syns In Marmite?

As low syn alternatives, we also recommend savoury spreads such as light butter or light cheese spread.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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