How Many Syns In A Maoam Stripe? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
28 October, 2024

Are Maoam Stripes Slimming World Friendly? - Our Guide

If you're looking for a sweet treat which is slimming world friendly, you might be curious as to how many syns maoam stripes have.

Maoam stripes have 1.5 syns in per stripe, making them low in syns, but should still be consumed within moderation on the plan.

How Many Syns In A Maoam Stripe?

We've put together a short guide below which will discuss how many Maoam stripes you can have on slimming world, some syn values of Maoams and some low syn alternative sweets for when you feel like some sugary.

How Many Maoam Stripes Can I Have On Slimming World?

You could have up to 10 Maoam stripes before using all your daily syn allowance making them a great low syn sweet treat to have.

We would not recommend eating too many of these sweets since they are high in sugar, with one stripe having up to 7g of sugar.

Maoam Syn Values

Maoam has a large range of sweets not just their stripes with varying syn values, we've listed the rest of their syn values down below to help you out.

  • MAOAM Joystixx Bag 170g - 5 syns a serving.
  • MAOAM Pinballs Bag 140g - 5 syns.
  • MAOAM Bloxx 4 x 22g (88g) - 4.5 syns.
  • MAOAM Happy Fruttis Bag 140g - 5 syns.
  • MAOAM Giant Stripes Chew 15g - 3 syns.
  • MAOAM Crazy Roxx Bag 150g - 5 syns.
How Many Syns In A Maoam Stripe?

Low Syn Alternatives To Maoam Stripes

If you find maoam stripes to be too high in syns we've got some other low syn alternative sweets to check out below for a sweet treat.

  • HARIBO Starmix Bag 175g - 4.5 syns for 25 servings.
  • HARIBO Giant Strawbs 100g - 4.5 syns.
  • HARIBO Supermix Bag 175g - 4.5 syns.
  • Rowntree's Jelly Tots Sweets Bag 42g - 2 syns for 7 sweets.
  • Maynards Bassetts Soft Jellies Fizzy Fish Sweets Bag 160g - 4.5 syns for four.
  • Aldi Dominion Fruit Chews Sweets 450g - 5 syns for four.
  • Tesco Fizzy Multicolour Sweet Belt 75G - 5 syns for 5 belts.
  • Tesco Jelly Babies 250G - 4.5 syns for 25.
  • Sour Patch Kids Sweets Bag 160g - 4 syns for eight.
  • Barratt Refreshers 34g - 6.5 syns a pack.
  • M&S Colin The Caterpillar Sweets - 2 syns a sweet.
  • Candy Kittens Sour Watermelon Gourmet Sweets 54g - 8.5 syns for the pack.
  • HARIBO Halloween Edition Scaremix Bag 175g - 4.5 syns.
  • HARIBO Eggs Galore Multipack 160g - 3 syns for a mini bag.
  • Haribo Zing Balla Stixx Strawberry Flavour Sweets Share Size - 5 syns for two sticks.
  • HARIBO Jelly Babies Bag 200g - 5 syns a serving.
  • Haribo Happy Cola Bottles Sweets 80g - 6.5 syns for half pack.
  • HARIBO Giant Trees Bag 175g - 4.5 syns.
  • HARIBO Wine Gums Bag 160g - 4 syns.
How Many Syns In A Maoam Stripe?

Final Words

Overall, Maoam stripes are a great low syn sweet to choose from when you want a sweet snack, allowing you to have up to 10 before using all your daily syn allowance. We would suggest eating these and other Haribo sweeties in moderation however since they can be very high in sugar.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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