How Many Syns In Fox's Party Rings? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
24 June, 2022

Are Fox’s Party Rings High In Syns? - Our Guide!

Fox’s party rings are a childhood favourite biscuit for many of us, but since these biscuits are full of sugar, you’ll need to make sure you are tracking the syns in them before indulging. 

Fox’s party rings have 1 syn per biscuit, making them a great low syn sweet snack, we would suggest having them in moderation, however, since the biscuits are high in sugar.

Are Fox’s Party Rings High In Syns?

We’ve composed a short guide below which will take you through how many Fox’s party rings you can eat on the slimming world plan, syn values of their range and some low syn alternative biscuits from other brands. 

How Many Fox’s Party Rings Can I Eat On The Slimming World? 

At 1 syn a biscuit you could have up to 15 Fox’s party rings before using up all your daily syn allowance, making them an excellent choice of a low syn sweet treat paired with a cuppa! 

Although these biscuits are low in syns, we would still suggest eating the biscuits in moderation since they are high in sugar, having 2g per one small biscuit

Fox’s Party Rings Syn Values 

Fox’s have a few different versions of their party rings, as well as a whole range of other biscuits, so to help you out, we’ve listed all their syn values down below.

  • Fox's Party Rings Minis 6 x 21g - 4 syns. 
  • Fox's Party Rings 125g - 1 syn.
  • Fox's Golden Crunch Creams 230g - 4 syns. 
  • Fox's Fabulously Biscuit Selection 550g - 4 syns. 
  • Fox's Jam 'n' Cream Raspberry & Vanilla Flavour 150g - 4 syns. 
  • Fox's Milk Chocolate Viennese 120g - 3 syns.
  • Fox's Fabulous Half-Coated Milk Chocolate Cookies 175g - 6 syns.
  • Fox's 9 Triple Layered Biscuit Bar - 5 syns.
  • Fox's Melts Viennese Chocolate 180g - 3 syns. 
  • Fox's Fabulous Chocolatey Salted Caramel Rounds 130g - 4 syns. 
  • Fox's Fabulous Triple Chocolate Cookies 180g - 6 syns. 
How Many Syns In Fox's Party Rings?

Low Syn Alternatives To Fox’s Party Rings 

If you find Fox’s party rings to be too high in syns, we’ve got some great low syn alternatives for you to check out below if you're after a similar style of biscuit.

  • Border Biscuits Chocolate Chip Shortbread Rings 30g - 3.5 syns. 
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference All Butter Highland Shortbread Assortment 375g Fully Coated Belgian Milk Chocolate Shortbread Rings - 5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Belgian Milk Chocolate Shortbread Rings 155g - 5 syns. 
  • Mcvities Penguin Milk Chocolate Biscuit 8 Pack 196.8G - 6.5 syns. 
  • Aldi Belmont Biscuits Iced Rings 125g - 1.5 syns. 
  • Crawford's Coconut Rings Biscuits 300g - 2 syns.
  • Aldi Belmont Biscuits Iced Rings Mini Bags 6 x 21g - 5 syns. 
  • Hill Biscuits Ginger Rings Biscuits 24g - 5 syns. 
  • Mcvitie's Gold Biscuit Bars 7 Pack 124G - 5 syns.
  • Mcvities Club Salted Caramel 7 Pack 154G - 6 syns.
  • Maryland Cookies Chocolate Chip Minis 6 Bags 118.8G - 5 syns. 
  • Bahlsen Pick Up! Biscuit 5 Pack 140G - 7 syns.

Last Words

Overall, Fox’s party ring biscuits are very low in syns, having just one syn per biscuit, we would recommend eating them in moderation since they are very high in sugar having 2g of sugar per small biscuit ring. 

Low Syn Alternatives To Fox’s Party Rings

To save syns, we recommend keeping track of how many biscuits you are eating and checking out some of our low syn alternatives which are also low in syns for some SW friendly snacks!

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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