Everyone has to be guilty of getting home from work and diving into a bag of crisps, but some crisps can be very high in syns and put you over your daily syn allowance without you knowing.
Skips are a household favourite for a lot of us, depending on the size of the bag they come with syns of 4.5 for a 17g bag, 10.5 syns for a 40g bag and 4 syns for a 15.5g bag.
We have put together a small guide that will give you some information into how many syns your favourite crisps have and some low syn alternatives to add to your diet. To help you stick with your low-syn snacks, we have also made some healthy homemade crisp recipes below for you to try too.
Skips can be enjoyed in moderation on the slimming world diet, coming in at 10.5 syns for the largest packet, however, you have to be careful not to go over your syn allowance of 15 syns per day.
The huge variety of flavours have 15 syns for the large bag and 4 syns for the small, so two small packs a day would put you back 8 syns. We would always recommend choosing crisps with reduced-fat or lower salt content as part of your slimming world diet.
Luckily, there is a huge range of other low syn slimming world crips on the market to snack on, so we have listed a few below.
From good old Snack 'a' Jacks to Pringles, there is a huge range of low syns list crisps you can still enjoy as part of the slimming world diet in moderation, and to help you find out the healthiest, we have listed our crisp syns list below in order from the lowest to highest syns.
You might notice on our low syns crips list that the types of crips which are low in syns often have much less weight, this is due to the fact they are healthier because they have less in the bag, but might not be as satisfying.
We would always suggest going for a 30g satisfying low syn bag of crips over a 13g bag which might cause you to have two bags rather than one. Pop chips such as Snack 'a' Jacks are also great because they have a lot of air, which fills you up and allows you to have more crisps in volume to eat.
Some crisps can be very high in syns, from cheese & onion flavours to pickled onion flavours, so to help you out, we have put our three best low syn lists of crisps slimming world recipes below for you to try out when you feel like snacking.
Get the shopping lists ready!
Whether you are looking for a snack when you get home from work or you have a case of the midnight munchies, these syn free slimming world crisps are here to save the day, and they are also super easy to make.
We have listed the recipe details below.
There's nothing quite like having your favourite crips with your best dip, however, dips can be very unhealthy and high in syns, so aren't great to have on the slimming world diet often.
We have listed the recipe details to a low syn crisp and dip recipe you can try at home below.
Don't worry if you don't have any large potatoes lying around, because believe it or not, you can make crisps out of lasagna sheets if you want to.
Recipe deets below!
Overall, if you looking for a low syn crisps choice, skips have around 4 syns for a lightweight bag and up to 4.5 for an extra-large bag, however, there are many other low syn options on the market you can choose from too, or even make your own low syn crips if you wish.
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