How Many Syns In A Normal Pancake? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
5 April, 2022

Are Normal Pancakes Okay To Eat On Slimming World?

Whether you are looking to cook up a Sunday brunch or simply have a craving for pancakes, you might be wondering how many syns the average pancake has on the slimming world?

Well, on average, a normal pancake has around 7-9 syns in it depending on the style of pancakes you choose to make.

To keep you on track while enjoying your pancakes, we've composed a guide below which will discuss why pancakes are often high in syns, some syn values of pancakeKingsmill Pancakes 6 Pack according to styles, how to make pancakes healthier and our own slimming world pancake recipe!

Why Are Pancakes High In Syns?

Pancakes can often be between 7-9 syns depending on the size and type of pancake that you choose, pancakes get their high syn values since they are very high in carbohydrates when completed with toppings such as syrup and butter, this makes the syns and calories even worse.

For weight loss pancakes also have little fibre and lots of sugar, meaning they will not keep you full for long unlike a high fibre or high protein breakfast/brunch.

Syn Values Of Different Pancakes

As we mentioned above, the syns in pancakes vary according to their size and type, so to help you out, we've listed the syn values of different pancake types from mixes below.

  • Kingsmill Pancakes 6 Pack - 4 syns.
  • Kingsmill Blueberry Pancakes 6 Pack - 3.5 syns.
  • Tesco 6 Scotch Pancakes - 4 syns.
  • Warburtons Pancakes 6 Pack - 4 syns.
  • Tesco 8 Sweet Pancakes - 8 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Buttermilk Pancakes 240g - 6 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Blueberry Pancakes, Taste the Difference x4 240g - 8 syns.
  • Kingsmill Double Chocolate Pancakes 6 Pack - 4 syns.
  • Rustlers All Day Breakfast Pancake Stack 129G - 18.5 syns a serving.
  • Tesco American Style Pancake Shaker Mix 155G - 5 syns.
  • Tesco Vegan Pancake Shaker Mix 155G - 6 syns.
  • Genius Gluten Free 6 Pancakes - 4 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Plain Pancakes x6 375g - 7.5 syns.

How To Make Pancakes Healthier

If you love pancakes but hate their syns, there are some simple healthy swaps you can make to ensure that they are healthier for your diet.

We've listed some tips below.

  • Go for wholewheat - Wholewheat pancakes are much healthier for you than white flour pancakes.
  • Use fruit - When serving pancakes make sure to fill them with syn free speed fruits for extra nutrients.
  • Try gluten-free - Gluten-free pancakes can be healthier than normal pancakes if not made with white flour, this is because they often have added fibre.
  • Add some speed veg - We know what you're thinking, vegetables and pancakes? Well, not all veg but carrots for example can go great grated into sweet pancakes.

How To Make Slimming World Pancakes

One of the best ways to have control over the syns in your pancakes is by making them yourself, down below we've put together a slimming world friendly pancake recipe that has 2.5 syns a serving and serves four people.


  • Two eggs.
  • One banana.
  • Two spoons of self-raising flour.
  • 100g of fat free fromage frais.
  • 200g of berries.


  1. To start mashing the banana up then add in your eggs and flour, you could also add some cinnamon. Spray a frying pan and allow it to heat over a medium flame.
  2. Next, pour a small amount of the mix onto the pan and allow it to cook till golden brown on one side, the mix should make 12 pancakes in total.
  3. Serve with your berries and fromage frais!

Final Words

To conclude, a normal pancake could have anything between 7-9 syns in total making them very high in syns. We suggest saving syns by making your pancakes at home with our recipe above which only has 2.5 syns a serving.

We also recommend limiting unhealthy toppings such as syrup and butter which add extra unnecessary syns.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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