Fajitas are a great weeknight meal to have as a family, even for picky eaters, if you are following the slimming world plan however you need to ensure that you are tracking them so as they do not affect your weight loss.
Old El Paso fajitas have around 6-7 syns in depending on the kit you choose, making them high in syns but okay to eat in moderation if you leave enough syns within your allowance.
Down below we've put together a short guide that will take you through why Old El Paso Fajitas are high in syns, the syn values of other Old El Paso kits and some low syn alternatives from other fajita kits. We've also included a slimming world fajita recipe if you feel like getting creative in the kitchen!
At around 7 syns per fajita, Old El Paso fajitas should only be eaten in moderation just two would cost you nearly all of your daily syn allowance for the day.
You should also factor in if you add cheese, sour cream, guacamole and other extras in your wrap as these will also raise the syns.
The calories in these fajitas come down mostly to the sauce and wrap used inside, chicken is syn free on the plan so does not have to be synned.
We've listed the syn values of the rest of their fajita range below.
Old El Paso has a lot of other Mexican meal kits, we've listed them down below with their syns to give you some more weeknight meal inspiration when you've got some leftover syns.
Since Old El Paso Fajitas are pretty high in syns, you might be curious to see if there are any lower syn alternatives.
To help you out we've listed some below with their syns to keep you on track.
For fajita lovers, knowing that these wraps nearly consume half of your daily syn allowance can be disappointing, however, you can always try making your own slimming world friendly ones at home too!
These fajitas are SYN FREE too!
Overall, Old El Paso Chicken Fajitas are high in syns, coming in at 7 syns per wrap, plus extra syns if you add toppings such as cheese and sauces. We recommend making your SW friendly fajitas to save syns or choosing some lower syn alternatives when you want a quick and easy meal.
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