How Many Syns In Jelly Babies? & Some Alternative Sweets?

Updated on 
30 May, 2023

Are Jelly Babies High In Syns On The Slimming World Plan?

Are Jelly Babies High In Syns

Jelly babies are one of the most delicious jelly sweets on the market, this makes them very moreish and addictive, which is a problem for us who are on a diet like slimming world. 

Luckily, jelly babies firm jelly only has one syn per sweet, allowing you to have up to 15 if you use all your syns on the jelly sweets. 

However, not all of us want to waste all our slimming world syns on this jelly mix, so to help you out, we have listed a few low syn alternative sweets below for you to try, as well as some slimming world friendly recipes if you would like to make your own syn free jelly sweets. 

Can I Eat Jelly Sweets On The Slimming World Diet? 

Can I Eat Jelly Sweets On The Slimming World Diet?

Jelly babies sweets can be enjoyed on the slimming world diet with moderation, at 1 syn each you could choose to have a few or up to 15, these jelly mixes are high in sugar however, so beware if you are trying to cut down on the sugar level in your diet. 

It is worth noting, some firm jelly sweets might meet your sugar craving which are even lower in syns which we will get on to next.

Low Syn Alternatives To Jelly Babies 

We have listed a few low syn alternatives to jelly babies and other great sweets with their syns values that you can enjoy in moderation on the slimming world diet below. 

  • Cola bottles - 0.5 syns per bottle.
  • Wethers Originals (sugar-free) - 1 syn per sweet. 
  • Flying saucers - 0.5 syns per sweet.
  • Barratt Flumps - 1.5 syns per sweet.
  • Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts - 1 syn each.
  • Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles - 1/2 a syn per sweet.
  • Aniseed balls - 1.5 syns per sweet.
  • Bonbons - 1.5 syns per sweet.
  • Fox’s Glacier Fruits/Dark - 1 syn per sweet.

Low Syn/Syn Free Jelly Recipes 

If you still crave jelly mix sweets and aren't keen on any alternative, the good news is, you can make your own low syn/syn free jelly crystals and sweets right at home from a single recipe. 

We have listed our favourite ones below.

Slimming World Haribo Style Sweets 

Slimming World Haribo Style Sweets

This recipe will make around 50 slimming world Haribo sweets and comes in at 3 syns for the whole batch due to it being made with sugar-free jelly. 


  • Hartley's jelly crystals two sachets. 
  • Two sachets of gelatine powder.
  • 350 ml of boiling water.


  1. Mix the gelatine powder and jelly crystals into a bowl together and pour over the water. 
  2. Pour into the jelly mould carefully and set in the fridge for 3 hours. 
  3. The recipe is suitable to store in the fridge for up to ten days.

Yoghurt Slimming World Haribo Sweets 

Yoghurt Slimming World Haribo Sweets

We have a very similar jelly sweet recipe to the above, except these slimming world Haribo style sweets involve the option of adding a yoghurt coating.


  • Two sachets of hartley jelly powder.
  • Two sheets of gelatine. 
  • Muller light yoghurt or light yoghurt of choice for layering. 


  1. First, mix one sachet of jelly with one sheet of gelatine and put it in the jelly moulds, do this with around 150ml of boiling water. 
  2. Pop in the fridge till set which should take around two hours then add the second mix of jelly with the yoghurt mixed in. 
  3. Wait till set and you have your yoghurt covered sweets, a recipe suitable for Netflix nights!

Final Words 

Overall, Jelly babies are not too high in syns and can be eaten in moderation in the slimming world diet, you can also try creating your own low syn jelly sweets with cheap ingredients if you want to have more control about the sugar content of your sweets.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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