How Many Syns In A Slice Of Black Pudding?

Updated on 
1 December, 2021

Does Black Pudding Have A Lot Of Syns?

Black pudding is enjoyed by many of us as part of a weekend fry up, but on the slimming world diet, since it's not free food, you need to be counting its syn values.

A slice of black pudding is said to have around 6.5 syns in, making it a very high syn food taking up more than nearly half of your syn allowance.

To help you stay on track and enjoy your black pudding as part of the SW plan, we have discussed why this food is so high in syns below, listed out the different syn values of branded black puddings to keep you on track and also our best SW tips for keeping your Sunday fry up healthy.

Why Is Black Pudding High In Syns?

You might be shocked to learn that only one slice of black pudding could cost you nearly 7 syns, but this is because nearly 80% of black puddings calories come from its high-fat content which contributes to its high syns, most of this fat is not down to the blood but instead the high suet content inside of the pudding.

If you were to have more than one slice of black pudding it could cost you your whole 15 syn allowances for the day.

Some ways to reduce how many syns black pudding has is by choosing reduced-fat options such as Bury black pudding types, these puddings still have traditional fat but only 2.5%.

What About White Pudding?

White pudding is slightly lower in fat than black pudding and when it comes to syns id also lower with around 3 syns for 30g, it can be grilled to save extra syns from the frying process too.

Black Puddings Syn Values

Black pudding is high in syns no matter the type you choose but does vary slightly according to different brands, we've listed a few popular ones down below.

  • Simon Howie Black Pudding - 13 syns per 100g.
  • The Bury Black Pudding 4 Slices - 6 syns for 100g.
  • Clonakilty Black Pudding 200g - 5 syns per slice.
  • Laverstoke Black Pudding - 15 syns per 100g.
  • M&S 4 Black Pudding Slices 227g - 16 syns per 100g.

Tips For a Healthy SW Fry Up

If your looking for ways to make your traditional fry ups more slimming world friendly in syns, we've listed a few top tips below to make your choices more healthy.

  • Use your bread as the Healthy Extra B - Having two slices of wholemeal 400g bread allows you to use them as your Healthy Extra B (fibre intake) which saves syns. White bread cannot be used as your healthy extra b however.
  • Choose low-fat sausages and bacon - Lower fat sausages and bacon can save you a ton of syns and often don't taste too different to the full-fat versions.
  • Stick to low cal spray - Frying your meats in high-calorie oil can make your fry up greasy and add a lot of unneeded calories to your dish. Instead, use the low cal cooking sprays.
  • Have baked beans - Baked beans add volume to your fry up and are SYN FREE!

Should I Eat Black Pudding On Slimming World?

Overall, black pudding is very high in syns at 6.5 syns a slice and should only be had now and then as a treat on the slimming world plan providing you have enough syns left in your allowance. Make sure you are weighing out your slices to be accurate in syns and try to opt for healthier brands with a lower percentage of fat.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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