How Many Syns In Wetherspoons Breakfast? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
23 October, 2024

Is Wetherspoons Breakfast High In Syns? - Our Ultimate Guide!

If you are going out for breakfast, you might be wondering if you'll be able to fit your Wetherspoons breakfast into your syns without affecting your weight loss progress.

How Many Syns In Wetherspoons Breakfast?

Wetherspoons breakfast has varying syns according to the type of meal you choose, but some can start with as little as 14 syns which is just within your syn allowance.

In our guide below, we've listed out all the syns in Wetherspoons breakfast below and some tips to help you with ordering the healthiest options.

Wetherspoons Breakfast Syn Guide

From pancakes to breakfast rolls, Wetherspoons has a variety of brekky options on offer, but some can be very high in syns.

We've listed the syn values below.

  • Baked beans on toast - 27 syns.
  • Eggs & sausage muffin - 19 syns.
  • Egg and Quorn muffin - 19 syns.
  • Hash brown - 5.5 syns.
  • Bacon butty - 25.5 syns.
  • Egg and sausage muffin - 22.5 syns.
  • Big breakfast - 70.5 syns.
  • Freedom brekky - 22.5 syns.
  • Breakfast muffin - 25 syns.
  • Egg and cheese muffin - 14 syns.
  • Large veggie brekky - 68 syns.
  • Plain porridge MOMA - 13 syns.
  • Sausage - 34.5 syns a serving.
  • Sausage butty - 30 syns.
  • Small veggie brekky - 19 syns.
  • Toasts and jams - 23 syns.
  • Vegan brekky - 44 syns.
  • Traditional brekky - 40.5 syns.
  • Small breakfast - 23 syns.
  • Mushroom Benedict - 24.5 syns.
  • Vegetarian breakfast normal size - 46.5 syns.
  • Veggie wrap - 43 syns.
  • Porridge with blueberry compote - 15 syns/with honey and banana 23 syns.
  • Breakfast rolls - with bacon 17.5 syns/with Quorn 20 syns/ with sausages 27.5 syns.
  • Bagel and cream cheese - 16 syns.
  • American style pancakes - with bacon and maple 33.5 syns/ with ice cream and fruit jam 37 syns, with ice cream and maple 25.5 syns.
How Many Syns In Wetherspoons Breakfast?

Tips For Eating Breakfast At Wetherspoons

Eating out doesn't have to be restrictive when losing weight, you should still enjoy yourself but simply make healthier choices to keep your meal syn friendly.

We've listed some tips to try below.

  • No pancakes - The pancakes at Wetherspoons are known to be very unhealthy and often loaded with sugar and syrups which take up nearly double of your daily syn allowance, you'll also be more likely to be hungry again later on due to the sugar spike and lack of protein.
  • Try the muffins - Egg muffins are a great high protein choice to have for breakfast, with their egg and cheese muffins coming in at just 14 syns for one.
  • Avoid large serving sizes - Wetherspoons offer a larger version of nearly all their breakfasts, stick to the small portion size to avoid the chances of overeating.
  • Make veggie swaps - Some veggie options on the Wetherspoon menu can be lower in syns than the meat alternative, for example, Quorn sausages are much lower in syns than regular sausages.
  • Choose porridge - Choosing plain porridge at Wetherspoon will cost you 13 syns, this could be used as your healthy extra B if no sugar is added, choosing plain porridge gives you control over the toppings too.
How Many Syns In Wetherspoons Breakfast?

Final Words

To conclude, although Wetherspoons breakfast options are high in syns, you can find some options under your allowance which still gives you a chance to eat out without spending too many syns. We would always recommend avoiding large serving sizes at these places since they can cause you to overeat and consume more syns without you knowing.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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