How Many Syns In Rich Tea Biscuits? & Some Alternatives!

Updated on 
3 July, 2021

Do Rich Tea Biscuits Have A Lot Of Syns? - Our Alternatives & Recipes

Rich tea biscuits with a cuppa are pretty much a staple for any British household, however, when following the slimming world diet, you need to be careful of how many syns are in each one before you get loose with the biscuits barrel. 

Rich Tea Biscuits Have A Lot Of Syns

It is said that rich tea biscuits have around 2 syns per biscuit and rich tea finger biscuits has around 1 syn, and with the average allowance of 15 syns on the slimming world diet, this means you can have 2 or 3 with your morning cuppa without having to worry. 

We have put together a short guide below about biscuits on the slimming world diet and some great syn free recipes to try if you would rather not spend them all on your rich tea biscuits. 

Can I Eat Biscuits On The Slimming World Diet? 

Eat all in one day

Due to how the slimming world diet works you can eat biscuits every day if you wish to, this is because the diet allows you to have 'syn' foods in moderation in addition to 'syn free' foods which you can eat as much as you want of. 

You can have around 15 syns per day on the slimming world diet or less if you want to which can accelerate weight loss, this could mean around 7 rich tea biscuits if you wish!

If you are a big biscuit lover and struggle to fit your snacks into your syns, then it might be worth checking out the 'thin' versions of your favourite biscuits, for example, Oreos have 2.5 syns per biscuit, but an Oreo thin will only set you back 1.5 syns per biscuit.

You can also try checking out reduce fat biscuits, as these will often be lower in syns too.

Popular Biscuit Syns & Alternatives

As not all of us are rich tea lovers and some of us prefer custard creams, we have listed a few other popular favourite biscuits syns below so as you can be aware of how to integrate them into your slimming world diet. 

  • Rich tea biscuits - 2 syns per biscuit.
  • Oreo biscuits - 2.5 syns per biscuit.
  • Nice biscuits - 2 syns per biscuit. 
  • Malted milk biscuits - 2 syns per biscuit. 
  • Shortcake fruit biscuits - 2 syns per biscuit. 
  • Digestive biscuits - 3.5 syns per biscuit. 
  • Custard cream biscuits - 3 syns per biscuit. 
  • Bourbon biscuits - 3.5 syns per biscuit.
  • Jammie dodger biscuits - 4 syns per biscuit.
  • Jaffa cakes (yes, we vote they are biscuits) - 2.5 syns per 'cake'.
  • Gingernut biscuits - 2.5 syns per biscuit.

Syn Free/Low Syn Slimming World Friendly Biscuit Recipes 

Syn Free/Low Syn Slimming World

If your the type of person who can get through a whole pack of biscuits while watching the TV (guilty), then you might interested in making some slimming world friendly syn free biscuits, which means you can pretty much eat any amount you want of these healthy alternatives without the syns!

We have listed three of our top syn free/ low syn slimming world biscuit recipes below to get you started. 

Slimming World Porridge Biscuits 

First up we have some slimming world oat biscuits, not only are these porridge biscuits very simple to make but they also make a great quick breakfast to grab on the way to work and counts as your 'healthy B' on the slimming world diet!

We have listed the ingredients and methods for making these biscuits below. 


  • 75g of porridge oats. 
  • 2 eggs. 
  • 40g of sweetener. 
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger and cinnamon.
  • 1 drop of vanilla essence.
  • Low cal cooking spray.


  1. Preheat your oven to the gas mark 4.
  2. Grab all your ingredients and mix them up into one large bowl (apart from the cooking spray). 
  3. Spray a baking tray to grease then divide the biscuit mixture up into around 12 pieces evenly so as they can spread and cook in the oven. 
  4. Bake at gas mark 4 for around 15 minutes, check and turn them at 10.
  5. Cool before eating and there you have it!

Slimming World Vanilla Oat Biscuits 

 Vanilla Oat Biscuits

If you want some biscuits to eat without any guilt, then we have some simple vanilla oat biscuits below that you can enjoy endlessly with a cuppa in the morning (well, within moderation). These biscuits are also syn free!


  • 40g of porridge oats. 
  • 1 egg. 
  • 4/5 spoons of sweetener (depending on how sweet you like it).
  • 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla essence.


  1. Whisk up your egg in a bowl then add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well. 
  2. Spray a baking tray and put some greaseproof paper, then separate the mixture into six different pieces for baking. 
  3. Bake at gas mark 6 for ten minutes then flip over and give them another 10/5 minutes depending on how brow they have gotten.

Slimming World Cinnamon Cookies

Cinnamon Cookies

If you like cinnamon on your porridge in the morning then you will for sure like these 2 syn each oat and cinnamon biscuits in the morning, recipe details below! 


  • 45g of oats blended into a fine flour. 
  • 1 egg. 
  • 2/3 tablespoons of sweetener. 
  • 1 tsp of margarine. 
  • 1 pinch of salt. 
  • 1 tsp of baking powder and cinnamon. 


  1. To begin with, preheat your oven to gas mark 4 and melt the margarine in the microwave for around 10 seconds. 
  2. Mix up all your ingredients into a bowl then line your baking tray. 
  3. Spoon your mixture with a teaspoon onto the tray 8 times to create 8 cookies in total. 
  4. Bake for 15 minutes then cool and enjoy!

Final Words

Overall, to conclude, there are 2 syns per rich tea biscuits meaning you can enjoy them in moderation on your slimming world diet, you can also create some low syns/syn free alternatives if you want to enjoy your biscuits more freely with a cuppa! 

We would also suggest checking out 'thin' versions of your preferred biscuit and reduce fat alternatives as these will often be lower in syns.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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