Enjoying a Chinese isn't quite the same if you don't get to open a fortune cookie, but you need to make sure you don't forget to count these cookies syns in order for them not to affect your weight loss.
Fortune cookies typically have about 1.5 syns per cookie, making them a great low syn treat to have with your Chinese in moderation.
In our guide below, we will take you through why fortune cookies are so low in syns, some syn values of different fortune cookies as well as some general syn values of Chinese takeaways.
At just 1.5 syns a cookie, fortune cookies are extremely low in syns, you could have up to 10 of them before using your total syn allowance for the day!
Fortune cookies have low syn values because they are mainly made up of egg whites and sugar, formed in a thin crispy wafer, keeping them light and airy. This allows you to have a sweet treat at the end of your Chinese without spending too many syns.
Fortune cookies do vary in syns however according to where you buy them from and their size, we've listed some syn values below to help you compare.
If you decide to treat yourself to the slimming world plan with some Chinese takeaway, it's worth knowing the syn values of common dishes beforehand so that you can pick the most syn friendly options on the menu.
We've listed some other common Chinese takeout options and their syn values below.
As you've seen above, Chinese food can be very high in syns, but this doesn't mean you can't enjoy it now and then in the slimming world, you just have to ensure your fitting it into your 15 syns.
We've listed some tips for ordering healthier options below.
Overall, fortune cookies are very low in syns, having only 1.5 syns a cookie, making them a great sweet treat to have at the end of your Chinese without the guilt.
When ordering Chinese food we always suggest choosing steamed and veggie options when possible to help keep your syns low, avoid options like egg fried rice and fried rolls, with some having up to 30 syns a portion.
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