How Many Syns In Cinema Popcorn? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
31 October, 2024

Is Cinema Popcorn High In Syns On Slimming World? - Our Syn Guide!

If you are going out to the movies, you might not want to miss out on the snacks, and the great part about the slimming world is that you can still enjoy your movie snacks like popcorn as long as they fit into your syns!

Is Cinema Popcorn High In Syns On Slimming World?

Cinema popcorn has on average 11 syns a serving for their salted popcorn and 15 syns for the sweet version, this is based on a portion of around 60g, making it very high in syns and should therefore be consumed within moderation.

In our guide below, we will take you through why Cinema popcorn is so high in syns, some low syn alternatives to buy or bring in, plus a great recipe for making your cinema-style SW-friendly popcorn at home!

Why Is Cinema Popcorn So High In Syns?

At 11 syns for salted popcorn and 15 syns for sweet popcorn, cinema popcorn is very high in syns, and should therefore be consumed mindfully otherwise it can use your whole daily syn allowance!

Cinema popcorn can be very unhealthy, getting its high syn value from the oil it is cooked in, this can be coconut oil, which is often very high in saturated fat, some people also opt for butter which adds extra calories and syns.

Sweet cinema popcorn in particular gets a higher syn value from the sugar and butter used to make the caramelised coating on the popcorn. So if you're looking to save syns, we suggest picking a small salted popcorn rather than a sweet.

Why Is Cinema Popcorn So High In Syns?

Low Syn Alternatives To Cinema Popcorn

If your local cinema allows you to bring your popcorn into the theatre, or maybe offers pre-packaged popcorn to buy before you go in, there are plenty of low-syn alternatives you can snack which we have listed below.

  • Sainsbury's Simply Salty Butterfly Popcorn 90g - 4.5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Sweet & Salty Butterfly Popcorn 110g - 4.5 syns.
  • Butterkist Popcorn Toffee 170g - 6.5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Simply Sweet Butterfly Popcorn 110g - 4.5 syns.
  • Butterkist Popcorn Sweet & Salted 100g - 8 syns.
  • Butterkist Popcorn, Sweet Cinema Style 6x12g - 3 syns.
  • Butterkist Crunchy Orange Chocolate Flavour Toffee Popcorn 155g - 6.5 syns.
  • Tesco Salted Popcorn 85G - 5.5 syns.
  • Tesco Sweet & Salted Popcorn 110G - 6.5 syns.
  • Tesco Sweet Popcorn 110G - 6.5 syns.
  • Regal Cinema Style Sweet Popcorn 250G - 2 syns a serving.
  • Joe & Seph's Milk Chocolate Popcorn Bites - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Joe & Seph's Dark Chocolate Popcorn Bites - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Joe & Seph's White Chocolate & Raspberry Popcorn Bites - 4.5 syns per serving.
  • Propercorn Sweet popcorn - 4.5 syns a serving.
  • Popz 100 Calorie Popcorn Sweet - 5 syns for one serving.
  • PROPERCORN Salted Caramel - 5 syns.
  • Metcalfe's Sweet & Salt Popcorn Multipack 6x17g - 4 syns.
  • Sephra Sweet & Salty Popcorn 170G - 11 syns for half.
  • Metcalfe's Cinema Sweet Popcorn Sharing Bag - 4 syns.
  • M&S Sweet Popcorn - 5 syns for 20g.
  • Joe & Seph's Caramel & Belgian Chocolate Popcorn - 5 syns.
  • Joe & Seph's Popcorn Banoffee Pie - 4.5 syns.
  • Joe & Seph's Popcorn Classic Caramel - 5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Simply Sweet Butterfly Popcorn 110g - 4.5 syns.
  • Eazypop Microwave Popcorn Sweet 100g - 4.5 syns.
  • Propercorn Microwavable Sweet Popcorn 3x70g - 4.5 syns.

How To Make Your Own SW Cinema Popcorn

One way to reduce the syns in your popcorn is by simply making your own cinema-style popcorn at home, all you need is some popping corn and a few ingredients to enjoy this 4 syns popcorn below!


  • Salt.
  • Popping corn.


  1. Start by taking a pan and heating it over high heat, add in a few spoons of water and wait till it becomes sizzling, reduce the heat and add in the rest of your popcorn.
  2. When the popcorn stops popping in between 3-second intervals then take it off the heat to prevent it from burning.
How To Make Your Own SW Cinema Popcorn

Final Words

Overall, Cinema popcorn is very high in syns due to the added oil and butter, with their salted popcorn having 11 syn a serving and sweet popcorn having 15 syn a serving which is your whole daily syn allowance. To reduce syns, we suggest choosing from our low syn alternatives above which start as low as 4 syns or try making your own!

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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