One of the best parts about the slimming world is that most fruits are syn free, allowing you to eat as much of them as you want without having to track syns.
Cherries have no syns on the slimming world, making them free food and allowing you to eat them without tracking syns, this means cherries could make an excellent sweet snack or as a topper for desserts.
In our guide below, we will discuss how many cherries you can eat in the slimming world, some syn values of cherries, the difference between speed fruits and free fruits, other free fruits and some SW recipes using cherries!
Since cherries are a free food on the slimming world you can have as many of these fruits as you want without any guilt, but of course as with all foods, within moderation.
Cherries can be great for weight loss since they are high in fibre, they are also high in vitamin C and potassium which are great for your body.
Cherries themselves are a free food on the slimming world but can come in different forms such as glace and jarred, so to help you out we've listed their syn values down below.
Although cherries are classed as free fruit, they are not glassed as a speed fruit, the difference between the two is that speed fruits are encouraged to be eaten on the slimming world plan without moderation since they are said to help speed up weight loss.
Speed fruits are typically thought to be more nutritionally sound which means they are low in calories but high in nutrients.
If you are not keen on cherries and you are looking for a low syn alternative free fruit, we've listed some other free fruits down below.
If you're a lover of cherries and you've got some of the fruits lying around we've got two slimming world recipes for you to check out below when you feel like baking something sweet!
These Bakewell pots serve four people and are just 3 syns each!
To conclude, cherries are a free food on the slimming world, meaning you can eat as much of them as you want without synning them, we would however recommend having them in moderation since they can be high in sugar.
Glace and dried cherries will need to be synned due to their higher sugar content, to use cherries in SW recipes, we recommend checking out our two low syn dessert recipes above!
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