If you like a sweet treat after dinner then you're probably a fan of almond magnums, on the slimming world plan you can enjoy these ice creams providing their syns are within your allowance, so just how many do they have?
The average bar of an almond Magnum has 13.5 syns in, making them very high in syns, so they should only be eaten in moderation when your syns allow.
To help you stay on track with your plan we've composed a guide below to discuss why almond magnums are so high in syns, the syn value of their other bars and some low syn alternatives.
At 13.5 syns a bar, Magnum almond ice creams take up nearly your whole 15 syn daily allowance, these syns mostly come from the high fat and sugar content due to the cream inside, but since the ice cream contains almonds, this also pushes the calories up.
Magnum's almond ice cream comes in a few different types such as their tub and the vegan version, we've listed the other syn values of them below to help you compare.
If you find the Magnum almond ice cream to be too high in syns there are plenty of other flavours to try with varying syns we will list below.
Almond Magnums are very high in syns, but this doesn't mean you can't enjoy some almond ice cream from other brands, we've listed a few low syn alternatives for you to check out below.
Overall, Magnums almond ice creams are very high in syns, a 13.5 syns for one bar, if you want to treat yourself to one of these on the plan you would need to save most of your syns for the day, to save syns we would suggest going for the mini version instead which cuts the syns in half or checking out some of our lower syn alternatives with options as low as 5 syns.
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