If your favourite snack is a bag of Walkers crisps, you are probably curious as to how many syns they have on the slimming world plan, including all of their different sizes.
Walkers crisps have varying syns according to the flavour and size of the bag that you choose, on average you can expect a 25g bag to have 6.5 syns, 32.5g bag to have 8.5 syns and a 60g bag to have 15 syns, making these crisps a high syn snack.
To find out more about the syns in different kinds of Walkers crisps we've put together a short syn guide below which will take you through why Walkers crisps are high in syns, syn values of their different sized bags and some low syn alternatives crisps from other brands.
At 6.5 - 15 syns depending on the size of the bag you pick, Walkers crisps are very high in syns, this is mainly due to the fat and oil content inside of these crisps, with their 25g version having around 8g of fat for just a small serving, this is because the potatoes are deep fried.
A low-syn alternative would be choosing their 16g bags which only have around 4.5 syns on average or their 22g baked versions which have much less fat and syns due to them being baked rather than fried in oil.
For a 60g bag of Walker's crisps, you are looking at consuming your whole 15 syn daily allowance if you eat the whole bag, therefore, to stay on track with your syns we suggest measuring out your portion.
Since Walkers Crisps come in a few different flavours and sizes, to help you stay on track with your syns we've listed a variety of their products down below.
If you find Walkers crisps to be too high in syns, we've got some great low-syn alternatives for you to check out below for a quick snack.
To conclude, Walker's crisps have a similar syn value no matter the flavour you buy, but their syns do change according to the size of the packet, with their 60g version using your whole daily syn allowance and 32.5g version using over half of all your syns.
To save syns we recommend choosing smaller sized packets and weighing your portion from larger bags, to reduce the fat content in these crisps we also suggest switching to their baked versions which are not fried in oil.
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