How Many Syns In Petit Filous Fromage Frais? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
31 October, 2024

Does Petit Filous Fromage Fraise Have a Lot Of Syns?

If you are looking for a quick and easy snack, Petit Filous Fromage fraise pots are a great low syn choice in comparison to standard yoghurts.

The amount of syns in Petit Filous Fromage Fraise pots differ according to the size and flavour, but for 85g pots of strawberry and raspberry fromage fraise you could be looking at using around 3.5 syns making it an excellent low syn snack choice.

In our guide below we will cover why Petit Filous Fromage fraise pots are not syn free, the other syn values of their range and some low syn alternatives if you are looking for a low syn sweet snack.

Why Is Petit Filous Fromage Fraise Not Syn Free?

Since Fromage Fraise is syn free on the slimming world plan it can be confusing to learn that the Petit Filous range is not syn free even though it is made out of fromage fraise. This is because of the flavouring in the yoghurts which add extra sugar and calories, therefore more syns which have to be calculated.

Fromage frais is used in a large variety of recipes on the slimming world plan as a substitute for cream and can make a great dessert filler or be used in sauces.

If you want to buy healthy syn free fromage fraise then it's best to look for plain types and add your sweetener or toppings. However, even if you do decide to snack on Petit Filous yoghurts there syns never exceed 5 so it still makes it a great way to satisfy a sweet craving without using too much of your syn allowance.

What flavor of Petit Filous do you like best?

Petit Filous Fromage Frais Syns

As we mentioned above, Petit Filous Fromage fraise yoghurts have to vary syns according to their flavour, we have listed them below to help you choose the lowest syn type.

  • Petits Filous Strawberry & Raspberry Fromage Frais 47g - 3 syns per pot.
  • Petits Filous Strawberry &R/Berry Fromage Frais 85g - 3.5 syns per pot.
  • Petits Filous No Added Sugar Strawberry Banana Fromage Frais - 3 syns for two pots.
  • Petits Filous No Added Sugar Apple Pear & Banana Fromage Frais - 4 syns per two pots.
  • Petits Filous Strawberry Drinking Yogurt - 3 syns per yoghurt.
  • Petits Filous No Added Sugar Raspberry & Apple Yogurt Drink - 2 syns per yoghurt.

Low Syn Alternatives To Petit Filous Fromage Frais

Petit Filous fromage fraise is not the only kind of low syn yoghurts on the market if you are looking for a low syn sweet snack, we have listed some other low syn variations from different brands below.

  • Wildlife Strawberry & Peach Fromage Frais 45g - 4.5 syns per pot.
  • Peppa Pig Strawberry Fromage Frais - 4 syns for two pots.
  • Tesco Fromage Frais Strawberry Raspberry Pouches 80g - 3 syns a pouch.
  • Munch Bunch Double Up Strawberry Banana Fromage Frais - 4 syns a pot.
  • Tesco High Protein Fromage Frais - SYN FREE.
  • Paw Patrol Strawberry Fromage Frais 45g - 4 syns for two pots.
  • Creamfields Apricot Strawberry Raspberry Fromage Frais 50g - 2 syns a pot.
  • Yeo Valley Little Yeos Organic Fromage Frais Strawberry & Raspberry 45g - 4 syns for two pots.
  • Yeo Valley Little Yeos Organic Strawberry Vanilla & Mango Fromage Frais - 4 syns per two pots.
  • Sainsbury's Fromage Frais Pouches - 3 syns per 80g.
  • Sainsbury's Fat-Free Natural Fromage Frais - SYN FREE.
  • Danio Vanilla Fromage Frais 150g - 7 syns per pot.

Last Words

Overall, the Petit Filous Fromage fraise yoghurts are quite low in syns and will not set you back on your SW weight loss for a quick sweet snack. If you are looking for syn free fromage fraise then make sure to choose a plain version without the added sugar and calories from the flavourings.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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