How Many Syns In Crumpets? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
7 November, 2024

Are Crumpets High In Syns? - Our Guide

There's nothing quite like a crumpet with some butter and a cuppa, but these pieces of bread are unfortunately not syn free on the slimming world plan so you need to ensure your tracking their syns.

Crumpets can have different syns according to their size and where you buy them from, most have about 5 syns for the average crumpet however, making them okay to eat in moderation is the slimming world plan.

How Many Syns In Crumpets?

We've discussed in further detail below how many crumpets you can eat in the slimming world, syn values of different branded crumpets as well as two ways to use your crumpets in some low syn recipes.

How often do you enjoy crumpets as part of your meals?

How Many Crumpets Can I Eat On Slimming World?

For five syns a crumpet, you could have up to three before using up your whole 15 syn daily allowances, making them low in syns.

This can change however according to the type of crumpet you buy, for example, Warburtons large crumpets have 9 syns making them very high in syns while Kingsmill crumpet thins only have 2.5 syns, making them much more syn friendly.

You should also be mindful about the butter you put on your crumpet, adding a thin spread of full-fat butter could give another 2.5 syns to your crumpet, making it half of your daily syn allowance for just one. Choosing reduced fat butter is the better option, adding only 1 syn.

This doesn't mean you can't enjoy the occasional crumpet on slimming world when your syns allow, you just have to ensure that you eat them in moderation and be mindful of the butter.

What is your favourite topping for crumpets?

Syn Values Of Different Crumpets

As we mentioned above, you'll find most standard crumpets have a similar syn value, but this can vary slightly according to the size and brand.

We've listed some syn values below to help you compare.


  • Warburtons 9 Crumpets - 5 syns.
  • Warburtons 3 Giant Crumpets - 9 syns.
  • Warburtons Gluten Free 4 Crumpets - 6 syns.
  • Warburtons Newburn Bakehouse 4 Crumpets - 6 syns.
  • Warburtons 9 Thick & Fluffy Crumpets - 5 syns.


  • Aldi The Village Bakery 6 Fluffy Crumpets - 6 syns.
  • Aldi Village Bakery 6 Toaster Crumpets - 9.5 syns.
  • Aldi Village Bakery 4 Love Heart Crumpets - 7 syns.
  • Aldi Specially Selected 6 Sourdough Crumpets 330g - 5 syns.
  • Aldi Village Bakery 6 Crumpets - 4 syns.
  • Aldi Brownings 6 Large Scottish Crumpets - 8 syns.
How Many Syns In Crumpets?


  • Tesco 6 Crumpets - 5 syns. 
  • Tesco Finest 6 Sourdough Crumpets - 5 syns.
  • Tesco Finest 10 Mini Ham Hock & Cheddar Crumpets 200g - 2 syns.
  • Tesco 6 Fruited Crumpets - 6 syns.


  • Sainsbury's 8 Crumpets - 5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference 6 Crumpets 330g - 5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's 6 Toaster Crumpets 465g - 8 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Taste the Difference 6 Buttermilk Crumpets 314g - 5 syns.
  • Sainsbury's Bakery 6 Fruit Crumpets - 7.5 syns.


  • Asda 6 Ghost Crumpets - 4.5 syns.
  • Asda 6 Wholemeal Crumpets - 5 syns.
  • Asda 6 Pumpkin Crumpets - 5 syns.
  • Asda 6 Toastie Crumpets - 7 syns.

Other Brands

  • M&S 6 Ultimate Crumpets Made with Sourdough 330g - 4.5 syns. 
  • Lidl Rowan Hill Bakery 6 Thick & Fluffy Crumpets 330g - 5 syns.
  • Morrisons 6 Crumpets - 5 syns.

Which meal do you typically enjoy crumpets with?

Our Best SW Crumpet Recipes

If you feel like getting creative in the kitchen, there are a few creative ways you can enjoy your crumpets in some slimming world recipes.

We've put together two recipes below for a sweet and savoury breakfast.

Brekky Egg Crumpets

These brekky egg crumpets are super easy to make and cost you only five syns each if your crumpets are 4.5 syns.


  • One crumpet.
  • Two low fat smoked bacon medallions.
  • One egg.
  • Seasoning.
  • Tablespoon of brown sauce.


  1. To begin, start by beating your eggs in a bowl then adding in the seasoning, fry off your bacon medallions and dip the crumpet in the beaten egg.
  2. Fry on each side pressing slightly to ensure the wet egg is cooked inside then serve with your brown sauce and medallions!

Lotus Crumpets

For people who have a sweet tooth, this lotus biscoff crumpet recipe has 7.5 syn but is worth it if you're craving something like a dessert for breakfast, it serves two people.


  • Two crumpets.
  • One lotus biscoff biscuit.
  • A teaspoon of lotus biscoff spread.
  • 25g of berries.
  • A drop of vanilla.
  • One egg.


  1. Begin by cutting your crumpets in half and add your milk, vanilla and egg to a bowl and whisk till combined.
  2. Put your crumpets into a dish for baking then pour the mixture on top, sprinkle on the fruit and bake the crumpets for around 20 minutes.
  3. Once your crumpets have baked warm up your biscoff spread in the microwave and drizzle it on top of the crumpets, crush up the biscuit and sprinkle on top, serve!
How Many Syns In Crumpets?

What texture do you prefer in your crumpets?

Last Words

To conclude, crumpets are fairly low in syns depending on the size you get, most average crumpets have 5 syns for one, however, to save syns you can opt for crumpet thins which only have 2.5 syns per one.

We would be careful when adding butter to your crumpets since this can add an extra 2.5 syns to your crumpet, totalling half of your daily syn allowance, instead opt for a reduced-fat spread to keep your crumpets low in syns.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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