How Many Syns In Coffee With Milk? Find Out Here!

Updated on 
31 January, 2023

How Many Syns In Coffee With Milk? Is It Slimming World Friendly? - Our Syn Guide!

If you are the kind of person who needs milk with their coffee rather than having it black, you might be wondering just how many syns having milk in your coffee adds to the drink.

How Many Syns In Coffee With Milk?

Coffee with milk can be syn-free if you are using the milk in your drink as your healthy extra A dairy allowance, but if not, you will need to syn your milk as normal, this could be around 1 syn for 15ml which is a splash of semi-skimmed milk. 

In our guide below, we will take you through which milk you can use in your coffee as your healthy extra A as well as some syn values of coffee with different milk to help you stay on track with your syns.

Which Coffee With Milk Can I Have As My Healthy Extra A?

To keep your syns free, we always recommend using the milk in your coffee as your healthy extra A which is your dairy allowance on the plan. Black coffee itself is syn-free, but you should also consider if you are adding sugar which starts at 1 syn for a teaspoon.

It should be noted that if you've already used up your healthy extra A allowance on the plan you will need to count the milk as syns which vary according to the type of milk you choose.

  • Whole Milk 200ml.
  • Semi-skimmed milk 250ml.
  • Soya Milk 400ml.
  • UHT Whole Milk 200ml.
  • UHT Semi Skimmed Milk 250ml.
  • Almond Milk, Unsweetened 400ml.
  • Coconut Drink with Calcium, Unsweetened 400ml.
  • Whole Oat Drink 200ml.
  • Rice milk (225ml)
  • 1% fat milk 300ml.
  • Semi Skimmed Oat Drink 275ml.
  • Skimmed Milk 350ml.
  • Semi-skimmed goat milk 275ml.

Syn Values Of Coffee With Milk

Which Coffee With Milk Can I Have As My Healthy Extra A?

As we mentioned above, coffee with milk can change in syns depending on the type of milk that you choose and if you are putting any sugar in your coffee, so as you can compare and stay on track with your syns we've listed some different options down below.

  • Coffee, Skimmed Milk, 2 Sugars - 3 syns.
  • Coffee, Soya Milk - 1 syns.
  • Coffee, Semi-skimmed milk - 1 syn.
  • Coffee, Skimmed milk - 0.5 syn.
  • Coffee, Whole Milk, 1 Sugar - 2.5 syns.
  • Coffee, Whole Milk, 2 Sugars - 3.5 syns.
  • Coffee, Almond Milk - 0.5 syns.
  • Coffee, Almond Milk, 2 Sugars - 3 syns.
  • Coffee, Semi-Skimmed Milk, 1 Sugar - 2 syns.
  • Coffee, Semi-Skimmed Milk, 2 Sugars - 3 syns.
  • Coffee, Whole Milk - 1 syn.
  • Coffee, Soya Milk - 1 syn.
  • Coffee, Oat Milk - 1 syn.
  • Coffee, Oat Milk, 1 Sugar - 2 syns.
  • Coffee, Coconut Milk - 0.5 syns.
  • Coffee, Coconut Milk, 1 Sugar - 1.5 syns.
  • Coffee, Rice milk, - 1 syn.

Tips For Making A Low Syn Coffee

If you are the kind of person who has a few sugars in their coffee and doesn't give much thought to the amount of milk they are using, you might be surprised as to how many syns these ingredients can add.

We've listed some of our best tips for keeping your coffee with milk low in syns below.

  • Switch to sweetener - If you are used to having a couple of sugars in your coffee you could be adding up to 2 syns without you knowing, instead switch to sweetener which is much lower in syns.
  • Go for a low-fat milk/non-dairy - Lower fat kinds of milk like skimmed and almond milk are much lower in syns than whole milk if you can't drink your coffee black.
  • Measure your milk - By freely pouring your milk into your coffee you can add much more syns than you think, instead measure it out to stay on track.
  • Avoid flavourings - When making your coffee or having one from the coffee shop, avoid opting for syrups in your drink, these can add a lot of syns and sugar if you are not careful.

Final Words

Overall, coffee with milk has varying syns according to the kind of milk that you choose and whether or not you take sugar, for example, one coffee with 30ml of semi-skimmed milk can have around 1 syn, but you can also use milk as your healthy extra A dairy allowance on the plan.

Tips For Making A Low Syn Coffee

To save syns we also suggest avoiding sugar in your coffee and switching to sweetener, choosing low-fat milk over whole can also cut back the calories if you are a coffee drinker.

Jennifer is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with a Master's in Nutrition from Cambridge. With over 10 years experience, she shares healthy recipes and science-backed slimming tips on SheCooksSheEats to help people reach their wellness goals. Jennifer stays up-to-date by regularly attending conferences and continuing her nutrition education. She aims to provide research-backed advice to inspire balanced, happy living.
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